Career Schools - Job Information - Job Tips - Job Listings - Labor Rights
Ways to Find Work
Most people try to find work by searching the internet, reading newspaper advertisements, through friends or going to a specific location where business owners look for day laborers.
Depending on what work skills you have or if you are having a hard time finding work, you may want to look for work by using an Employment Agency, Search Firm or Temporary Agency. These kinds of companies are dedicated to finding jobs at companies you may not even know need workers. The recruiters at these agencies often have business contacts which allow them to provide your information to a wide variety of companies. Some companies are impressed when a worker is being presented by an agency.
Types of Agencies
Temporary Agency - Find workers to perform temporary jobs. Temporary jobs can give you an opportunity to show that you are a good worker and can help you get a full time position with company. If you are working a temporary job, work hard and you are sure to be noticed.
Employment Agency - Traditional employment agencies help people find work. They specialize in finding a wide variety of jobs many of which do not require specific skills. Some examples of the permanent jobs they may find are laborer, factory work, delivery person, etc.. Before you sign up with an employment agency you must find out if they charge you a fee for their services. Try to find an agency that charges the company hiring you. If an employment agency requires you to pay the fee for their service you may want to go to another agency.
Day Labor - Many times construction companies, landscaping business, etc., drive to locations where possible workers may meet. This could be a Home Depot parking lot, on a street corner or any public place. When someone finds work this way they are not guaranteed any work in the future and are paid at the end of every work day. Obtaining work this way can be dangerous. You may not get paid your wages and if you are hurt you have no support.
The National Day Laborer Organization Network (NDLON) is trying to help individuals working as day laborers gain some of the benefits that are guaranteed by labor laws. NDLON member organizations have helped collect wages for day workers from their employers, helped pass laws that regulate day work and tried to help prevent the arrest of day workers who gather in public places looking for work. NDLON and the Day Labor Research Institute are working to create a better atmosphere between day laborers and the areas where they seek work. They are working to improve relations with residents in communities where day laborers frequently gather to find work, local government and police to help prevent discrimination.