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Ways to Find Work



Most people try to find work by reading newspaper advertisements, through friends or going to a specific location where business owners look for day laborers.


Depending on what work skills you have or if you are having a hard time finding work, you may want to look for work by using an Employment Agency, Search Firm or Temporary Agency. These kinds of companies are dedicated to finding jobs at companies you may not even know need workers. The recruiters at these agencies often have business contacts which allow them to provide your information to a wide variety of companies. Some companies are impressed when a worker is being presented by an agency.



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Job Listings



In this Section will post listings of jobs that are available all over the United States. Many of the companies looking for employees, want people who are hard working, reliable and bilingual. Check these pages often to find the most recent job listings in your area. Remember to support the companies who support you.



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Things to Remember When Applying for Work



First Impression - Employers base 80 percent of their reason for hiring an employee because of their personality. Only 20 percent of their decision is based on the applicant skills.


Be on time or a few minutes early for your interview or appointment. This is probably the most important factor in not getting a job. The employer does not want to hear excuses like your car broke down. His time has value and showing up late is insulting to him.


Leave early to get to your appointment. Allow yourself plenty of time to arrive there on time.


Dress appropriately for your interview. Make sure your clothes are clean, your hair is neat, you have shaved and bathed. If you are going for a semi professional job, do not wear a mini skirt, shirt that is revealing, to much jewelry, chew gum, etc..


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